• Hotline :+974 50 001 665
  • Address : Villa 110, Jaber Bin Hayyan Street, Matar Qadeem
Ayurveda Massage

Ayurveda Massage

Sarvanga Abhayanga - Full Body Massage
90 Minutes QR 300

This is a full body massage that is done for the entire body and benefits the whole body. It makes entire nervous system calm and reduces stress. It helps to have a better sleep. Also reduces muscles stiffness and improves entire circulation. It benefits joint lubrication and reduces joint pain. Also it is good in improving skin tone and keep looks younger

Shirodhara (Include Head Massage)
45 Minutes QR 300

Shirodhara is a classical and well established ayurvedic procedure slowly and steadily dripping medicated oil on forhead. Shirodhara treatment brings many healthy benefits. It relaxes your mind, promotes better sleep, improves concentration, nourishes hair and scalp, reduces anxiety and reduces memory problems. Also it helps to relief Migraine, Insomnia and Depression

Kati basthi
60 Minutes QR 300

This treatment is doing on lower back. Make a dough and place it on the lower back, and put medicated hot oil and keep for 30 minutes. Oil will absorb to tissues. It will help to releive lower back pain, limbs pain and sciatic pain

Pada Abhyanga - Foot Massage
30 Minutes QR 300

According to ayurveda, foot is said to be the root of human body. It is very important regularly focus on the foot massage

Shiro Abhayanga - Head massage
30 Minutes QR 300

Helps to reduce Insomnia and Migraine. Promotes hair growth, boosts energy levels, reduces Depression & Anxiety

Pristhabhayanga - Back massage
60 Minutes QR 300

Helps to reduce stress. Lessens pain and muscle tightness. Increases relaxation. Improves the work of the immunity system. Counteracting poor sitting posture

Udvarthana - Herbal powder upward body massage
60 Minutes QR 300

This massage will be done diretion opposite that of the body hairs. This treatment help with weight loss. Remove the toxins of body. Help for better skin tone

Washpa Swedana
30 Minutes QR 300

This is simple and effective therapy to cleans body toxins with sweating. This helps to joint pain and inflammation, Improve digestion, improve blood circulation, reduce fatty tissues